

Based on the collaboration between 7 Chilean and Finnish universities there has be arranged bioeconomy webinars. Aim of the webinars were to share the knowledge on bioeconomy and enable to create new collaboration between Chile and Finland. Collaboration can educational or RDI activities to name a few.

21.11.2024 The role of waste management to achieve circular (bio)economy and sustainable development goals – webinar

  • Opening words by Rodrigo Morales-Vera, Ph.D., Catholic University of Maule. Chile
  • “Bioeconomy, Waste Management and Sustainable Development Goals: The Case of Finland” Harri Auvinen, Ph.D. Savonia University of Applied Science.
  • “Recycling and Revalorization of Photovoltaic Technologies: A Sustainable Path for Solar industry” Cristobal Montalba, Ph.D. University of Talca. Chile
  • “From purposeless residues to biocomposites: A hyphae made connection” Carlos Alvares Vasco, Ph.D. University of ICESI. Colombia
  • “Life Cycle Assessment as a Tool for Achieving a Sustainable Bioeconomy System” Rodrigo Morales Vera, Ph.D. Catholic University of Maule. Chile
  • Panel discussion. Q/A from chair and audience
  • Closing words by Harri Auvinen, Ph.D. Savonia University of Applied Science

This webinar was organized as part of the Industrial Ecology Day 2024.

Webinar recording is possible to see via Relaciones Internacionales UTalca YouTube channel with title “Chile&Finland international webinar: Circular (Bio)Economy and Sustainable Development Goals”.

9.4.2024 Zero Carbon Conference –  Zero Carbon Communities 2024 – webinar

The third international ZERO CARBON CONFERENCE, a climate and environment conference targeted specifically towards students was held 9 April 2024. The theme was zero carbon communities, both from the public administration’s point of view as well as the local communities’ point of view.

More information can be found here.

28.9.2023 Bioeconomy and business – webinar


  • Opening words, Rosa Alzamora, Universidad de Concepción
  • Nature based solutions and bioeconomy, Adrián Rodríguez, Economic Comission for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Sustainability transition in forest bioeconomy, Katri Rusanen, University of Eastern Finland
  • Bioeconomy and circularity for the agri-food sector in the south of Chile, Anibal Concha, Universidad Austral de Chile
  • A bio-based entrepreurship, Claudia Godoy, BE ECO Brush
  • Generating business environment for bioeconomy, Harri Auvinen, Savonia University of Applied Sciences

29.8.2023 Bioeconomy and water security – webinar


  • Opening words by Harri Auvinen, Savonia University of Applies Sciences, and Carmen Bravo, Universidad Católica del Maule
  • Global warming: effects on the water supply in the central zone of Chile, Marcos Carrasco, Universidad Católica del Maule
  • A proposed smart market for water-runoff, Antonio Pinto, Universidad de Concepción
  • Semi-automated geographical characterization of rivers using the South Rivers Toolbox, Santiago Yepez, Universidad de Concepción
  • Aquatic toxicology at UEF: chemicals and microplastics in the environment, Jussi Kukkonen, University of Eastern Finland
  • Kuopio Water Cluster; Solutions for water challenges in close cooperation with industry and research organizations”, Eero Antikainen, Savonia University of Applied Sciences
  • Biological purification and water reuse in a country in Mega Drought, Francisco Torres, Bioantu
  • Closing words by Harri Auvinen

16.3.2023 Research seminar: examples of Chilean bioeconomy at University of Eastern Finland

From 4 Chilean universities: Universidad Católica del Maule (UCM), Universidad de Talca (UTalca) Universidad de Concepción (UDEC), and Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh) came visitors to Joensuu and Kuopio. During the visit Chilean researchers presented their areas of expertise on bioeconomy and circular economy.

Topics of the seminar were: forest management and operation, industrial technologies, bioprocesses and bioproducts, environmental and resource economics.

5.10.2022 Insights to social aspects of forest certification PEFC in Chile and Finland


  • Opening words, Piritta Torssonen, University of Eastern Finland
  • Challenges and recent improvements of the new standards,
    • André Laroze, Executive Secretary of PEFC Chile
    • Tatu Liimatainen, General Secretary of Finland PEFC
  • Social aspects of new certification standards from company point of view,
    • Paulina Álvarez, Chief of certification, Arauco
    • Pekka Kallio-Mannila, Head of sustainability, Stora Enso
  • Closing words, Paavo Pelkonen, University of Eastern Finland, emeritus professor


23.9.2021 – The future of forest bioeconomy: Joint learning between Chile and Finland

  • Combining Chilean and Finnish views on sustainability – Eija Rotinen, Embassy of Finland in Santiago de Chile
  • Bioeconomy in Chile – Alex Berg, Universidad de Concepción
  • Viewpoints to the bioeconomy in Finland – Jukka Tikkanen, University of Eastern Finland
  • What is the forest bioeconomy and why is not Business as usual- Inazio Martínez de Arano, European Forest Institute
  • Vineyard bioeconomy: Eco-fiberboards as a circular solution for harvest waste – Amina Merlez G. Analista de Innovación y Desarrollo, VSP Wine group
  • Example of forest circular-bioeconomy in Finland – Niklas von Weymarn, Metsä Spring Ltd

Webinar is part of collaboration between Finnish and Chilean universities, read more.

For more information:

Piritta Torssonen, University of Eastern Finland, piritta.torssonen(at)uef.fi















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