Finnish team visit to Chile as part of the GreenMobECO project

The second phase of the GreenMobECO mobility package aimed to evaluate the progress of the student-centered curriculum and identify areas for future improvements between the consortium universities. Additionally, we mapped out potential needs and further development of joint research projects. Key focus areas included: development of bioeconomy strategy regionally in Chile, bioeconomy education development, waste management, bilateral agreements for student and stuff exchange, and discuss about elementary teacher study visit to Finland.

Finnish team consisted of University Eastern Finland (UEF), Karelia University of Applied Sciences (Karelia UAS) and Savonia University of Applied Sciences (Savonia UAS) representatives. Karelia UAS representative started her visit at Valdivia and met other team members at Talca.


At Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh), Karelia UAS representative met researchers at Agronomic Economics Department to discuss study programs and research activities. She presented Karelia’s study programs and explored collaboration opportunities. They also discussed finalizing the MoU and student and staff exchange possibilities. She visited also at Centro de Innovación Colaborativa (CIC Los Ríos) in Mafil, a community center for learning and testing new technologies. The center features a garden used by local schools and hosts organizations like Lichen Valdivia, which produces biobased fertilizers from cow dung and brewing industry side streams. They visited the Humedal, a wetland center funded by a fine paid by a pulp mill. The center includes a museum showcasing the history of Valdivia and the impact of watersheds, including the 1960 earthquake.

At UACh she learned about UACh’s experimental forestry center, which conducts research on cloning Nothofagus hybrid species. She also met with Vice Dean to discuss educational programs and potential joint interests. She also visited the UACh Botanical Garden and the University of San Sebastian to discuss sustainability and environmental responsibility. She participated in a seminar on circular economy initiatives and presented on transversal skills and cross-boundary knowledge creation. These visits fostered collaboration and knowledge exchange, contributing to the green transition through mobility and effective communication.


The visit to Concepción began with meeting at UdeC with international officer to discuss the GreenMobECO project and student exchange agreements. Later during the visit discussions also focused on how to develop a competence-based curriculum for forest bioeconomy since UdeC’s Faculty of Forest Sciences and Faculty of Education has joint project for that.

The team then visited an organic vineyard owned by Daniela De Pablo Mendoza and Pablo Pedreros, where they practice regenerative agriculture and promote biodiversity. This excursion highlighted the importance of sustainable farming practices.

At the bioeconomy seminar at UdeC, there were presentations on the forest bioeconomy in Finland, the GreenMobECO project, and circular bioeconomy. Chilean colleagues shared insights on bioeconomy and collaboration with the Mapuche community. We also heard interesting presentations of UdeC’s doctoral students research topics.

The visit to CMPC, one of Chile’s largest forest industry companies, provided insights into their challenges and efforts in forest fire prevention and sustainability. The team explored training opportunities for forestry students at CMPC.

Maule Region

The whole Finnish team met up in Talca. In the Maule region, the team attended an international seminar on bioeconomy and circular economy at the University of Talca. Presentations covered strategic development of bioeconomy and circular economy experiences.

Meetings with representatives from Seremi del Medio Ambiente Maule focused on enhancing elementary teachers’ competence in sustainable development and waste management. Funding options for a study visit to Finland were also explored. The visit to Eco Maule included learning about waste management and biogas production at Volta company.


In Santiago, the team visited the University of Andres Bello to discuss collaboration between working life and students, innovations, and entrepreneurship. They also visited labs on food printing, microbiology, and bee studies. At MUT – Mercado Urbano Tobalaba, the team explored sustainable building practices and community participation. The visit concluded with a meeting at the Finnish embassy representatives to discuss visit outcomes and future plans.

Outcomes of the Visit

The visit resulted in several key outcomes. In Concepción, a bilateral student exchange agreement was advanced between UEF and UdeC, and a bioeconomy seminar was held at UdeC. Training opportunities for forestry students at CMPC were explored, and a competence-based curriculum development project at UdeC was discussed. Plans were made for a webinar on bioeconomy for indigenous rural communities and a summer course on bioeconomy for sustainable forest management at UdeC in January 2025.
In Talca, the Savonia UAS representative participated in an international seminar and a Recycle Day Celebration. A preliminary study visit program for elementary teachers from Talca/Maule area was developed. In Valdivia, a bilateral student exchange agreement was established between Karelia UAS and UACh and University of San Sebastian. A seminar was also held at the University of San Sebastian. Overall, the visit fostered collaboration and knowledge exchange, contributing to the green transition through mobility and effective communication.

The exchange was possible thanks to the project funding granted by the Finnish National Agency for Education within the Team Finland Knowledge project ”Fostering green transition through mobility and effective communication between Finnish and Chilean HEIs,”.

Written by: Piritta Torssonen (UEF) and Kaija Saramäki (Karelia UAS)

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