GreenMobECO project ending

Looking back on our collaboration, we started on a journey that focused on bioeconomy education, research, and sustainable practices. Thanks to Team Finland Knowledge funding from Finnish Agency for Education we have strengthen our collaboration according the GreenMobECO project actions during 2022-2024. The tour through bioeconomy organizations, including companies, HEIs, and simultaneous change to see […]

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Finnish team visit to Chile as part of the GreenMobECO project

The second phase of the GreenMobECO mobility package aimed to evaluate the progress of the student-centered curriculum and identify areas for future improvements between the consortium universities. Additionally, we mapped out potential needs and further development of joint research projects. Key focus areas included: development of bioeconomy strategy regionally in Chile, bioeconomy education development, waste […]

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Chilean academics bioeconomy visit to Finland

In March 2023, a cross-continental exchange took place when seven academics from Chile (El Maule, Concepción and Valdivia (UCM, UTalca, UDEC, UACh)) travelled to Finland. The exchange was possible thanks to the project funding granted by the Finnish National Agency for Education within the Team Finland Knowledge project ”Fostering green transition through mobility and effective […]

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