GreenMobECO project ending

Looking back on our collaboration, we started on a journey that focused on bioeconomy education, research, and sustainable practices. Thanks to Team Finland Knowledge funding from Finnish Agency for Education we have strengthen our collaboration according the GreenMobECO project actions during 2022-2024.

The tour through bioeconomy organizations, including companies, HEIs, and simultaneous change to see Chilean and Finnish nature, underscored the integrated approach to bioeconomy education and sustainability in Finland and Chile.

Webinars, seminars and workshops during the project mobilities laid the groundwork for future collaborations. The project has already yielded concrete outcomes, such as initiating student exchange agreements and delivering impactful webinars on critical bioeconomy themes, drawing participants from around the globe. In total, webinars reached over 1000 people globally. See more about the organized webinars topics and speakers at

Journey continues!

Written by: Leonardo Coppini, Isabel Muñoz and Piritta Torssonen from University of Eastern Finland

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